chicken breast with lemon juice and oregano

2 ideas encontradas.

Recipes in English chicken Chicken breast with lemon juice and oregano ...

Delicious chicken Besides being healthy and very tasty, the chicken has an advantage at the moment of cooking. And is because of its versatility that we can make a lot of delicious and easy-to-make recipes. Because of this, today we have decided to show you how to prepare some yummy chicken breasts recipes which help you to vary your lunch every week and that it doesn’t turn boring eating chicken. ...

chicken comida couscous ...

Hoy os traigo una sugerencia para la comida que se prepara muy rapido y a la vez está muy rica!Ingredientes para una persona1 pechuga de pollo sin piel ni huesos (la mía 175 gm)SalPimientaAjo en polvo (o un diente de ajo machacado)Unas gotitas de vinagre (o zumo de limón)Pimentón picanteOrégano50 gm de couscous secoVerduras al gusto (he usado una berenjena pequeña, una cebolleta, un tomate, unas h ...