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Shine On

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Andrea Bezlaj


Blogger de lifestyle y youtuber de moda y belleza en

Moda, belleza y fitness

Shine On

entretenimiento y humor andrea andrea ramirez ...

Edgy. Trendy. Hipster.Boho.Preppy. This are just a few of the styles, I have fearlessly tried throughout the year. I owe my current style to all of them, so I am not embarrased of any of my "creations" at all.But recently I have learned to forget about style definitions and just focus on answering one question: Do you like it Andrea? Is it an "Andrea" outfit? Yes? Okay, let&quo ...

entretenimiento y humor 2014 andrea ramirez ...

My bag is basically my life. If you ask my best friend Marcos, he will actually tell you that my bags are iconic becuase of its size. But hey, I am 1.80 meters tall, I can"t wear a normal size bag during the day, it looks kind of akward and I need a lot of space for my "emergency kit" Here are a couple pictures with what really is in my college bag. Mi bolso es mi vida. Si preguntá ...

entretenimiento y humor blog christmas ...

"May traditions always be kept" For a couple years we have been making our own ( healthier ) Xmas treats. I took a few pictures while my gorgeous mom was cooking the yummiest of treats. Wish you were here? I know, and that"s the reason I am putting this post together. Merry Christmas to all my readers, get excited because in 2014 this blog will become something a bit different, so ...

entretenimiento y humor andrea ramirez bedroom. tips ...

"You can call me queen bee"- Lorde "Royals" I was daydreaming about who I wanna be in my twenties, and I thought it would be fun to put together my "future bedroom" I want that (hopefully not) little room to be a reflexion of exactly who I am. And this is exactly how it looks like in my mind. Me encontraba soñando despierta sobre quien realmente quiero espero ser cua ...

entretenimiento y humor amy lynn steele andre rairez ...

"They might be bigger, but we are faster and never scared" This week all I have been able to say is: " I am tired". Final exams are here and I have been stressed and having a really rough time to get "in the zone" the previous days before an exam. Desperate needs claim for desperate measures so, I created my own "happy hour". No, it has nothing to do with al ...

entretenimiento y humor bloggers christmas ...

Me and one of my closest friends went for a morning out to explore the best shopping areas in our beautiful home town, Palma de Mallorca. But no morning out will be complete without our very favourite teas- Wild berries for me and iced tee for Marga. If you are in the mood for an amazing tea, Capuccino is your place. Ayer me fui con una de mis amigas a explorar las mejores áreas de shopping the nu ...