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winter activities

8 ideas encontradas.

Mama Tex-Mex hace 8 años

Norm of The North: Prize Pack Giveaway! #ShakeYourBearThing

So now that winter has officially started, comes the time when we look for other fun activities to do indoors. One of my favorite ways of spending time with the kids is at the movies, in fact we were out at the movie theater just last weekend. I always let the kids choose a movie because I enjoy watching animated movies, it’s a moment where I get to forget about everything going on in the re...

Live in Spain, work in Spain. We make it easy. Ven a España!

Summer is gone and we can’t just stop thinking about the great times. Vivir en España es una experiencia única e inolvidable. Y además te ayudará acrecer como persona y a madurar, para así ser feliz posiblemente toda tu vida. Aunque sea temporal, una estancia en España te marca para toda la vida, en sentido positivo.La forma de vivir en España para un americano o inglés es gratificante en to...