
10 ideas encontradas.

Spanglish Life tv shows Watchathon ...

Watchathon Week is back!! Beginning April 18 – 24 you will be able to have unlimited access to the hottest tv shows out there on premium, broadcast, and cable networks. No matter what you want to watch, Watchathon makes it that easy! You can catch up on your favorite shows or start watching that one popular show everyone talks about!If you’re like most people, you simply cannot find the time to st ...

Spanglish Life #summer COMCAST ...

My familia and I are very excited for the summer this year, the kids will be out from school and we will have more time to enjoy evenings and weekends out at the park for soccer practice and games. My husband’s two boys are now both on soccer teams after years of practice and training with my brothers, now they both get to show out on the field all they have learned. I’m just trying to ...

Uncategorized Black History Month COMCAST ...

As you know, this is the month when the US celebrates Black History, Comcast is committed to showcasing the contributions of African-American people not only during February but throughout the whole year. That is why the communications company has curated a new and permanent collection on Xfinity on Demand titled “Black History Always On,” which highlights the achievements of this tran ...

Niños/Kids Spanglish Life KIDS ZONE ...

Kids Zone in Spanish Launches on X1:  They have the remote. You have the control.Xfinity first introduced Kids Zone last year and the response from other users has been terrific. Which is why a few weeks ago I decided to walk into a Xfinity store and trade in my old set-top box for the new X1 platform. Watching our favorite tv shows has never been easier! I am very pleased that my daughter now has ...

Spanglish Life

Have you ever been so entertained by a program or series that you cannot miss it every single night? I know I have, but sometimes we don’t all agree on one show. You see I like my novelas, my husband like sports, and my daughter loves her cartoons and kid’s movies; so we can never watch the same programs. Luckily I now have Xfinity X1 where I can watch all my favorite Spanish-language. ...

Aplicaciones Multimedia

KODI es probablemente el mejor reproductor multimedia de los últimos años. No solo está disponible para prácticamente cualquier plataforma que se nos ocurra (PC, móvil, Raspberry), sino que cuenta con un set de funcionalidades apabullante.Es capaz de leer casi cualquier formato de video y audio, además de contar con una interfaz 100% personalizable. Aunque sin duda, uno de sus mayores atractivos s ...

Creatividad Publicidad Publicidad en Medios

Es curioso pensar que entre todas las cosas que nos rodean durante esta época navideña, unas de las más importantes y que mas nos calan es la publicidad. El impacto publicitario al que nos encontramos sometidos es mucho mayor en comparación a cualquier época pero también te reúnes con tu familia, planeas nuevos propósitos y ves a personas que hace tiempo no veías. En definitiva, nos volvemos mas b ...

Aplicaciones Multimedia

¿Qué series y películas podemos encontrar actualmente en Netflix que estén en resolución 4K (Ultra HD)? ¿Hay alguna lista oficial que podamos consultar? Lo cierto es que Netflix es bastante hermética en este sentido y no ofrece datos concretos. Aunque eso sí, nos anima a que hagamos una consulta en su buscador con los términos “Ultra HD” o “4K”.Lo malo es que con esta búsqueda tampoco obtendremos. ...