i love my family

194 ideas encontradas.

Mi casa (my house)

My living room tour Hola hola gente bonita estoy feliz de poderles compartir el tour de mi sala los invito a que vean el video donde explico todo a detalle, muchas gracias por visitar mi blog!Hello hello beautiful people! Im so exited to share with you my living room, we are still working on our new house, but for now this is what I acomplish and Im really pleased with the result, I found the bl ...

estilismo lookbook moda ...

WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS Merry Christmas! I hope you have had a wonderful celebration and that God bless you! I spent the best time as usual every year with my bunny and his family but I certainly miss a bunch my dad and my grandma! Gift unwrapping is the best! We have so much fun watching the surprise face of everyone and this year I got so many amazing presents! One of the most special was the o ...

Niños/Kids Breakfast cereal ...

Growing up my favorite part of the day has always been mornings. I love waking up early and getting breakfast ready for my family, especially on weekends. Since the kids are now back in school they tend to have their breakfast in school, but when my daughter saw the Malt-O-Meal® cereals I had bought she decided eating breakfast at home would be much tastier.Now when I go grocery shopping I like to ...

estanterías uncategorized annie sloan chalk paint ...

  Lo sé, hace tres meses largos que no publicaba. Pero es que, entendedme, no soy una “blogger” de verdad. Simplemente me gustaba pintar muebles y escribir… y de forma autodidacta, picada por la curiosidad de saber si iba a poder o no, empecé a chinchar con esto de WordPress. Mis trabajos no son inmaculados y mis fotos no son de las que dejan con la boca abierta, pe ...


Buenas. Está claro que se acerca la navidad y eso se refleja ya en las calles, comercios y en los  hogares. Hay adornos, luces, belenes, árboles y hasta el aire se impregna del espíritu navideño. A mi personalmente me ha encantado siempre esta época del año. La pasaba en mi pueblo, Ciudad Rodrigo con mi familia y todos se esmeraban ( lo siguen haciendo ahora con mis hijas) para hacerlo todo super. ...