recipes for dinner

41 ideas encontradas.

recetas de segundos cocinandojuntos milanesas ...

Buenas noches!Hoy publico una milanesa de pollo o cordon blue, el nombre es lo de menos, en la cocina quien manda es el sabor así que por eso tenemos esta milanesa rellena de jamón y con algo de paté para darle jugosidad y sabor a nuestro plato.Lo podemos rellenar de mil formas, más ibérico, más dulce o con fruta, para gusto los colores así que os propongo que lo hagáis comoSi te ha gustado la rec ...

Recetas/Recipes chicken holidays ...

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LiveForFlavor #VivaLaMorena #AddFlavor #CollectiveBiasI love this time of year, the food, family makes for great moments to be made and with the holidays fast approaching I’m sure you are all scattering and looking through you recipe books to find the perfect dinner ideas for Thanksgivin ...

Bizcochos y BundtCakes

Pears and date bundt with caramel mascarpone sauce #BundtBakersNo todas las recetas pueden ser light o ligeras, como la tarta de higos, sémola y queso batido, de vez en cuando nos merecemos un bizcocho enorme, con su azúcar, su caramelo y una glaseado que quite las penas. Pues bien este bundt de peras especiadas , dátiles y salsa de mascarpone y caramelo es una de ellas . Jugosa, deliciosa, sabr ...

Niños/Kids Spanglish Life

Now that school has started I have less time to sit and eat with my daughter to talk and enjoy breakfast or lunch together. When she comes home she eats dinner and then starts on her homework, leaving little time to enjoy those moments. Which is why I cherish and look forward to weekends. Growing up my parents worked so much, I can only remember Sunday mornings as the only day where all the famili ...

Niños/Kids Recetas/Recipes #ad ...

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Nabisco and Latina Bloggers Connect. All opinions and text are all mine. Every day after my daughter gets home from school, I give her a big hug because I’ve missed her and I want to know how her day went. But of course, the answer I always get is “Bien. Mami que hay de comer, tengo mucha hambre.” meaning “Good. Mommy what did. ...

masas retos

Otro mes mas con el reto de Bread Bakers, este mes nuestra anfitriona es Pavani del blog Cook´s Hideout y su propuesta fue un pan especial para una celebraciones familiares. Yo me decidí por estos panecillos en forma de trébol de buena suerte. No necesitamos mucha técnica para hacerlos, los hornearemos en una bandeja de muffins.Ingredientes3/4 taza de leche tibia descremada, para que pueda subir m ...

Recetas/Recipes Cajun Cooking dinner ...

Today is Mardi Gras, ‘Fat Tuesday’ a holiday well know in the south, which marks the last Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. Many people go down to visit Louisiana a week or two before this day to experience the Mardi Gras parades. Being that, we are Louisiana neighbors we have festivals going on in Galveston, which is always fun for the whole family.So ...

Niños/Kids Recetas/Recipes dIA DEL nIño ...

Growing up in a Hispanic home, there were celebrations for everything, whether there was an accomplishment at school or holidays- everything was celebrated with all the family. April 30th, El Día del Niño has always been a day of celebration for everyone of all ages. We all have that inner child in us, and why not celebrate him/her. Piñatas, candy, loteria and our favorite childhood meals were alw ...

Recetas/Recipes Capirotada Cuaresma ...

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SweeterPascua #CollectiveBiasEvery family has their own traditional recipes that can never be left out of family reunions and holidays events. Like many Hispanic families living in the U.S., mi familia celebrates Holy Week during the 40 days of Lent which ends with Pascua Easter Sunday. Growin ...