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Todoindie Se reedita Pet Sounds de The Beach Boys Se reedita Pet Sounds de The Beach Boys por su 50 aniversarioThe Beach Boys es una banda que surgió en el año 1961 en la ciudad estadounidense de Hawthorne, California, y se convirtieron en un icono del estilo de vida californiano, la música y cultura del surf de los años 60. Este año se reedita Pet Sounds de The Beach Boys publicado en 1966, celeb ...

Ohhhhh, Gosh These sure are awesome cookies. I call them Gourmet cookies, because they are different and not your all time cookie. The first time I tasted these was in a Christmas season almost 14 years ago. They came in a glass bowl as a make them yourself mixture, just adding butter, eggs and vanilla. So I made them and they were sooooo delish I needed to get the recipe. So I put my taste buds a ...